MicroMac Speedy

Updated: August 3, 1998

Q: On which Mac model can I install the Speedy?
Q: What's the difference between the Speedy and the Mach10Jet?
Q: What does it do for me?
Q: How can I tell that the speed did increase?
Q: Is the Speedy compatible with an accelerator I have installed?

Q: Do I need a certain minimum System software?
Q: Since I installed the Speedy my Mac always crashes after 10 min. Did I get a bad Speedy?

Q: I'm convinced, yes I want to get this upgrade, what do I have to do?

Please feel free to use our FAQ submission form


Q: On which Mac model can I install the Speedy?

A: You can install the Speedy on all Macs (or even PCs) which have a separate clock for the CPU and the rest of the logic board. Please find your Mac Model in our Mac Specs database and see whether the Speedy is available for this Model.

Q: What's the difference between the Speedy and the Mach10Jet?

A: The Mach10Jet (M10J) has only 2 different settings (we supply two different oscillators). E.g. You have a Q650 running at 25 MHz. With the "fast" oscillator you are able to get to 30 MHz and the "faster" would be 35 MHz, however with the faster one you Q650 doesn't run reliable any more and always crashes after a couple of minutes. Therefor the fastest you can go with the M10J is "fast".
With the Speedy you can fine-tune the frequency in steps as little as 0.25 MHz, therefore you are able to speed up your Q650 to the max it can run, which might be as high as 34.5 MHz, impossible with the M10J or any other Clock chipper based on a fixed frequency.

Q: What does it do for me?

A: The Speedy increases the Clock of the Processor and of the processor bus in some cases (like on the PM6100). All instructions will get processed in the faster rate. That means all your work on the Computer will be faster. The Speedy has no control over the speed of CD-ROMs, Modems or Hard drives, etc., these will remain in the same speed.

Q: How can I tell that the speed did increase?

A: If you cannot tell by the application you are using, you have to use Benchmark programs. We provide "Speedometer", a shareware program which tests (among others) the CPU and gives you a relative number based on a Mac Classic (vers.3) or based on a Q605 (vers.4).
You'd need to run this program before and after installing the Speedy and compare the numbers.

Q: Is the Speedy compatible with an accelerator I have installed?

A: Usually not, since the XL is designed to work with the original speed of the Mac. Mostly they are even using the CPU-clock in one way or another on the XL, changing this clock could mess-up the timing on the XL.


Q: Do I need a certain minimum System software?

A: No, whatever System software you run currently will run with the Speedy.

Q: Since I installed the Speedy my Mac always crashes after 10 min. Did I get a bad Speedy?

A: You are just above the max speed of the Processor. There are two things you can do:
1: adjust the speed of the Speedy by going town one notch on the thumb wheel, or
2: install a cooling device on top of the processor (heat sink and/or cooling fan) to keep the CPU within the operational temperature.

Q: I'm convinced, yes I want to get this upgrade, what do I have to do?

A: To place the order, use this form (there is also a phone number on this form to call).
At the time you place the order you will be given a RMA number for you logic board, which you send back to us after the new logic board is completely working. This RMA number also appears on your invoice. There is also a deposit on the invoice for you old logic board, which we'll refund you upon receipt of your logic board.

If you have further questions or find these FAQs need further updating, please email us at qaupdate@micromac.com or use the online form.

You my also use place your question on some mailing lists.

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This page was last modified on Sep 14, 1998