Technical Support Header

MicroMac hardware products are thoroughly quality-tested before being packaged and shipped. If you encountered any problems with the installation or operation of your MicroMac product, the first best source of help and information is the Troubleshooting Guide of the Installation Manual that came with your MicroMac product. The Troubleshooting Guide is designed to assist you in troubleshooting your Macintosh and lists the most common problems and solutions you can try before contacting the MicroMac Technical Support department.

MicroMac Technical Support's primary goal is to efficiently and effectively assist your needs. The majority of technical related problems are due to an inadequate understanding of computer hardware and software. Many times a hardware and/or software problem is due to what appears to be insignificant item such as a control panel, extension or preference file. Usually a corrupt preference file inside the System folder is what causes hardware products (such as accelerators) to behave erratically. If you are new to Macintosh computing we advise you become familiar with your Macintosh in order to understand the basic concepts of working with a computer.

Familiarize yourself with:

  1. The Macintosh model you own (Is it a compact Macintosh, LC or Mac II series, Centris, Quadra, Performa or PowerPC?)
  2. The processor and speed of your Macintosh (Is it a 68000, 68020, 68030, 68040 or PowerPC processor? How fast in MHz (such as 25MHz, 32MHz, 80MHz) is it?)
  3. The Mac Operating System you are running (System 6, 7.0, 7.1, 7.5?)
  4. A knowledge of how many and what type of control panels and extensions you have in your System folder.
  5. The application programs you are using (Word-processing? Graphic design? Games?)

A good source of information about your computer system is found in the user manuals that came with your hardware and software products. As you troubleshoot your Macintosh, start with the basics.

Basic Troubleshooting Checklist:

  1. Is your Macintosh and computer peripherals plugged in and turned on?
  2. Is the MicroMac hardware product installed correctly?
  3. Did you install the correct accelerator software as instructed in the Installation Manual?
  4. Are your hard and floppy disk drives working properly?
  5. If you share files with friends, coworkers or over the Internet, are you using a virus detection program to notify you of any possible virus infections to your system?

These are just a few recommendations to think of along with the suggestions in the Troubleshooting Guide.
You may also visit our
FAQ pages.
If you still have problems, you can reach the MicroMac Technical Support department at (949) 362-4953.


Support hours are between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm PST/PDT.

You may also fax the Technical Support department at the number below or fill out the online
Tech Support Response Form form below.

MicroMac Tech Support Response Form

One of the best ways to reach Technical Support is on the Internet by filling out the Tech Support Response Form. By filling out this form, you provide the Technical Support department with the necessary information to serve you as fast as possible with assistance and update information.

If you need to send direct Email the address is:

Tech Support Response Forms and Email are answered in the order they are received

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MicroMac Technology Inc, 27121 Aliso Creek Rd, # 125, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656, USA,
Phone: (949) 362-1000    Fax: (949) 362-5428

Copyright ©1996 - 1999 MicroMac Technology Inc

This page was last modified on April 24, 1999 

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